Roles of partners (except of UKG - Contractor and Project Coordinator) with in the project are determined as follows:
PC PARTNERS (UP, UBL, UR) - participate in all activities addressed to founding, equipping and managing the CTC (Podgorica, Banja Luka and Rijeka) - support enlargement of VMnet with new members and experts, take part in development and validation of the new regional model of cooperation, support fully TSNA analysis, participate in selection of trainers and service providers, develop and deliver training and knowledge transfer programme at local level, participate in all dissemination activities and coordinate local project activities.
EU PARTNERS (UPD, ULJ, C3M, IPU) - support analysis of EU models for cooperation in the knowledge triangle, support development and assessment of the new regional model of cooperation, provide best practice examples, share and disseminate results of case studies to business community, ensure appropriate conditions for re-training of staff, trainers and service providers, assist in development of TSNA methodology, quality monitoring of training/services, advise WBC partners in development of vocational training and transfer knowledge programme, active participation in all dissemination activities and local management.
WBC SME PARTNERS (SCGM, METALIK d.o.o; TRI BEST d.o.o.; ELCON Geratebau d.o.o.) - participate in development and validation of the new regional model of cooperation, provide case studies - benchmarking best practice, to share and disseminate results of case studies to business community, active participation in all dissemination activities, organize foundation of joint structures of SMEs with similar sector, participate actively in development of vocational training programme, support implementation of trainings and knowledgetransfer programme (IFP, PPP).
REDASP (social partner) - active participation in enlargement of VMnet network, select enterprises and SMEs, participation in TSNA, quality monitoring of training/services, provide supporting services for SMEs sector and start-up businesses, develop and delivery vocational trainings for entrepreneurs, take part in all dissemination activities.