The fourth Steering Committee meeting of the TEMPUS project WBC-VMNet ("WBC Virtual Manufacturing Network - Fostering an Integration of the Knowledge Triangle ", 144684-TEMPUS-2008-RS-JPHES) was held on 11th and 12th of May in Tivat, Montenegro. The purpose and the aims of this meeting were:
- Presentation of the overall achievements of the project,
- Presentation of realized activities and the outputs/outcomes of the project partners,
- Discussion on the implementation of professional trainings, Practical Placement Programme (PPP) for students and Industrial Fellowship Programme (IFP)
- Analysis of the perceived problems that have emerged during the project implementation and the adoption of the workplan for the next six-month period.
As a part of the welcome speech, the participants were adressed by doc. Mileta Janjiić, local coordinator for WBC-VMnet Montenegro.
Upon the welcome addresses, the project coordinatoor Prof. Dr Vesna Mandic presented the overall achievements of the project. It was concluded that all the project activities have been realized in accordance with the plan and the deadlines stipulated by the project. On that occasion the budget and the activities to be implemented in the future were analysed, with special emphasis on the implementation of PPP (Practical Placement Programme) i IFP (Industrial Fellowship Programme).
All the participants gave short presentations with the review of the results achieved in the previous period in their institutions. The last topic that was discussed at the meeting was the possibility of a joint application for the new projects significant for the development of human resources in the Western Balkans. Finally, all the participants adopted the next steps in implementing PPP and IFP programmes, as well as the plan for the next six-month period. It was agreed that the next Steering Committee meeting will be held in October 2011 at the University of Kragujevac.
- Agenda
- Presentations - Overall WBC - VMnet project achievements
- Presentations - University of Banja Luka
- Presentations - University of Rijeka
- Presentations - University of Montenegro
- Presentations - Perceived problems in the project implementation
- Presentations - Work plan for next six monthly period
- List of participants