

The eight Info day held in Serbia (Metalac Holding)

Info Day within the Tempus project WBC-VMnet was held on 28 October at Metalac Holding Company in Gornji Milanovac.

The goal of this Info Day was to present new programmes and services of the Collaborative Training Center of the University of Kragujevac, which works by using contemporary approaches in designing processes, quality control and rapid prototyping. In that sense, one of the presentations included a short presentation of the new equipment and software used in the innovative product and process development:

  • WERTH multisensor coordinate measuring machine, for product measuring and control,
  • Rapid prototyping machine, OBJET ALARIS 3D printer, for rapid polymer prototyping and product functionality testing,
  • Product and technology optimization software, through the display of options and present results, using numerous industrial examples realized in CEVIP and CTC.

General assessment by Info Day participants, primarily Metalac engineers, was positive, and all the exhibited cooperation results, especially in terms of theses development, have been discussed and confirmed in industrial practice. It is agreed that this form of cooperation shall continue and that engineers employed by Metalac shall join trainings implemented by CTC center Kragujevac.

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