

The fifth Info day held in Montenegro (Ulcinj)

The fifth Info day within the Tempus project WBC-VMnet, was held on 23 Jun, 2010. in Hotel "OLIMPIC" in Ulcinj, with VII Konference of Maintenace "KOD 2010"

Info day in Ulcinj consisted of the following:

  • Welcome speach by Ph.D. Miodrag Bulatović, Full professor at University of Montenegro, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Podgorica, President of Organizing Commitee of Conference of Maintenance "KOD-2010";
  • The presentation of the WBC-VMnet Project by Ph.D. Mileta Janjić, Assistant professor at University of Montenegro, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Podgorica, Contact person of Parner. The presentation of the project is carried out and what has been done on the project till now;
  • Paper: "T&SNA - Trening and Service Needs Analysis in Small and Medium Enterpraces in Montenegro" by authors: Mileta Janjić, Vesna Mandić and Drago Miljanić i presented by Ph.D. Mileta Janjić, Assistant professor at University of Montenegro, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Podgorica, Contact person of Parner. Paper is printed in Proceedings of Conference of Maintenance "KOD 2010";
  •  Representative of Partner from industry from Montenegro M.Sc. Drago Miljanić oresented his impressions about participation in WBC-VMnet Project;
  •  Discussion with the participants of the Info day;

Participants of the Info day from enterprises, faculties and research centers, have expressed great interest for the current project activities, the results of T&SNA, the activities of Cooperative Trening Centres, the proposed model of cooperation between University and enterprises, IFP and PPP programs.

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